We have decided that we are going to jog/walk a 10k. Now we just have to find one=) We will not be racing, but will do our best to finish in the fastest time possible for us. Mindie gave us this idea and I really think it will help us stay motivated to workout(I hope... lol)!! Thanks Mindie! We have really been doing a better job lately of eating healthier. We weighed ourselves on Monday and are hoping to see some progress when we "weigh in" again in two weeks! I have been going on power walks with my moms group every Monday, Weds & Friday mornings for the last month or so. And when I say power walks... I mean walking as fast as my legs can possibly move without running lol!! We usually do 3 miles three times a week, so 9 miles a week! Thats a start!! Olivia likes to take her morning nap during the walks, which works out great for me! We will keep you updated on the weight loss when we "weigh in" again in two weeks! (Of course I will NOT tell you how much I weigh, just how much I lost) haha.
Now onto our little bug. She is SO much fun! We are having such a great time with her. It is amazing how fast she learns new things. She thinks everything is so funny and she has the best laugh I have ever heard. She will be 6 months on April 26th. YES I said 6 MONTHS!!! Where has the time gone? She is no longer a little baby=( I feel like 6 months is such a huge milestone and I'm not sure if I'm ready for it yet! She has been really working hard at sitting up on her own and she's getting close! She rolls over from her back to her tummy and pushes her arms out straight and gets on her toes(almost in a push up position). I have a feeling once she figures out how to get her knees under her body she's going to take off! Also, she got her first tooth!! It came through a couple days before Easter. I think she's working on the second bottom one right now because she's been a little grumpy the last few days. Poor baby.
I think that's all for today! I will leave you with this picture of sweet Olivia...
How do you not smile at that!!
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